Shayna M. Steinfeld
Community and Bar Activities
Atlanta Bar Association: President (June 2008-2009); Immediate Past President (2009-2010); First Vice
President/President Elect (2007-2008); Board Member at Large (2001-2010), Executive Committee Member (June 2003-2010); Treasurer (2004-2005); Secretary (2005-2006); Second Vice President (2006-2007), Chair of the Sponsorship Committee (2003 - 2004); Chair, Judicial Campaign Conduct Committee (2005-2006); Chair, Leadership Committee (2015), Member, Elections Committee (2015)
Atlanta Bar Association, Bankruptcy Section: Chair (2006-2007) (Board Member from approximately. 2000 through 2008 serving in various capacities).
CARE: “Credit Abuse and Resistance Education” Program – presenter; member of team with a bankruptcy judge presenting 2 or 3 hour program to high school students around the Atlanta metropolitan region annually (approximately 2005 to present); have also met with State Board of Education member to discuss incorporating aspects of credit education into state curriculum.
Atlanta Bar Association, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm Section: Chair (2001-2002; Board Member from
approximately1998 through 2003 serving in various capacities ).
Atlanta Bar Association: Creator and Coordinator of the Legal Eagles Summer CLE Series. 2000-2004.
Atlanta Bar Association: Women in the Profession Committee/Section (member since inception).
American Bar Association: member Litigation & Business Law Sections
Co-Chair, Woman Advocate Committee, Book Sub Committee of the Litigation Section (2019-present)
Co-Chair, Woman Advocate Committee, Work/Life Management Sub Committee of the Litigation Section (2013- present)
Co-Chair, Bankruptcy Committee of the Family Law Section (2000-05),Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Bankruptcy Court Structure and Insolvency Processes. 2002-2005.
Committee and Section Membership: Business Law Section: Business Bankruptcy, Individual Chapter 11, Small Business Chapter 11 (Since 2013) and Litigation Section: Bankruptcy and Insolvency Litigation, Business Litigation, Consumer Litigation and Bankruptcy and Insolvency Litigation (2013-2018).
The W. Homer Drake, Jr. Georgia Bankruptcy American Inn of Court: Master (since 2016)
State Bar of Georgia: Bankruptcy Section: Chair (2007-2008); Board Member (2003 through 2009, serving in various capacities).
State Bar of Georgia: Women and Minorities in the Profession Committee, Member 1997-2016
State Bar of Georgia: Family Law Study Committee, Member. 2000-2016
IWIRC (International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation)-Georgia Network: Co-
Founder and Co-President (2003-04), Member of the Georgia and International Networks. Since 2003.
Lawyers Club: Member. Since 2013; CLE Committee (2019-20).
Old War Horse Lawyers Club, Inc.: Member. Since 2014; Board Member (2020).
On Board: Member. Since 2014.
National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations: Vice-President (2001-02), Secretary (1999-2000),
Coordinator (and creator) of Annual National Women’s Bar Summits (1997, 1998 and 2000). Board Member (1997-2002). Foundation Board Member. 2002-2004.
Georgia Association for Women Lawyers: President (1996-97), Board Member (approximately 1993 through 1998); Advisory Board. 2005-present; Small Firm/Sole Practitioner Affinity Group, Co-Chair (2019-20).
Georgia Women on the Run ... for Office: Co-Founder and Co-Chair. 1995-1997.
Hadassah Attorney’s Council: President (2001-2006), Co-President (1999-2001). Member since 2001-2016.
Consumer Bankruptcy Group (now known as “Metropolitan Atlanta Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Group”): President (2000-2001) (instrumental in obtaining passage of amended state law exemptions under O.C.G.A. § 44-13-100 for the first time in 25 years, enacted July 2001). Member since approximately 1997.
American Bankruptcy Institute: Member. Since 2000.
Commercial Law League of America: Member. 2000-09.
The Temple: Religious School Committee Member (1998-2008), Secretary (2001-02); Membership
Committee. 2004-2007; Sixth Grade Sunday School Teacher: Holocaust and Immigration. 2000-2004; Leadership Class. 2006-2007; Shalom Bayit (“Peaceful Home”) Liaison 2011; Caring Congregations (2013-present); Racial Justice Committee (present), Chair of the Racial Justice Committee’s “True Justice” program (2019-21).
Turnaround Management Association: Member. 2020.
ADL: Leadership Class. 2006.